
오늘의 날씨 예보: 휘몰아치는 가을 장맛비, 기온 급변에 주목

MoneyWalker 2023. 11. 10. 03:29

날씨가 꾸물거리니 따뜻하게 입으세요. 오늘 전국에 비 소식이 있어요. 서울은 밤까지 비가 예정되어 있으니 외출 시 우산을 챙기시고, 갑작스런 기온 변화에 건강 유의하세요.

1. Storytelling(오늘의 날씨 예보)

  • 한국어 뉴스

오늘 대한민국의 날씨 패턴은 매우 복잡했으며, 대부분의 하늘이 흐리고 지역별로 비가 내렸습니다. 수도권에서는 늦은 오후까지 비가 계속 내렸고, 서울은 저녁까지 비가 올 것으로 예상됩니다. 특히, 수도권과 강원도 서부 지역에서는 천둥과 번개가 동반된 불안정한 날씨가 밤까지 이어질 것으로 예보되었습니다.

충청도는 새벽까지, 전라도는 간헐적으로 비가 올 것으로 예상됩니다. 경상남도, 경상북도 남부, 그리고 제주 지역에는 저녁부터 비가 시작될 것으로 보이며, 이 비는 아침까지 계속될 것입니다. 특히 제주 지역에서는 상당한 강우량이 예상되며, 최대 50mm, 전라도 남부 지역은 최대 30mm의 비가 올 것으로 예상됩니다.

예보 기간 동안 기온은 점차적으로 떨어질 것으로 전망되며, 비가 그친 후에는 더욱 추워질 것입니다. 이번 아침에는 최저 기온이 -2.0에서 13.5°C의 범위를 보였고, 최고 기온은 15.4에서 22.6°C 사이가 될 것으로 예측되었습니다. 현재 비교적 따뜻하지만, 내일은 기온이 -2°C로 떨어질 것이며, 모레는 더욱 내려가 -6°C까지 떨어질 것으로 보입니다.

해상 상태도 나쁜 날씨로 인해 거칠어질 것으로 예상되며, 한반도 주변 해역 모두 파도가 높아질 것입니다.

이런 변덕스러운 날씨는 야외 활동이나 건강 관리에 주의를 요구하며, 특히 비가 온 후 갑작스런 기온 변화로 인해 실제 체감 온도가 상당히 낮아질 수 있습니다.

  • 영어뉴스

Weather patterns across South Korea today have been complex, with a largely overcast sky and regional rains. In the metropolitan areas, rainfall continued until late afternoon, with Seoul expecting rain until the evening. Notably, the capital region and the western part of Gangwon province are forecasted to experience thunder and lightning, leading to unsettled weather into the night.

Chungcheong province will see rain until dawn, while the Jeolla province will experience intermittent rain. Rain is expected to start in the Gyeongsangnam-do, southern Gyeongsangbuk-do, and Jeju regions by evening. This rain is set to continue into the morning, with Jeju in particular expecting significant rainfall. Predicted rainfalls are substantial, with Jeju facing up to 50mm and the southern Jeolla region up to 30mm.

Temperatures are projected to drop progressively over the forecast period, turning colder once the rain stops. This morning, the lowest temperatures ranged from -2.0 to 13.5°C, while the highest were predicted to reach between 15.4 and 22.6°C. Although relatively warm for now, the temperature is expected to dip to -2°C by tomorrow and drop further to -6°C the day after tomorrow.

Marine conditions are also expected to become rough with the inclement weather, with all seas around the Korean peninsula experiencing increased wave heights.

Such fickle weather demands caution for outdoor activities and health management, especially as the real feel of the temperature may be significantly lower due to the sudden temperature changes after the rain.

Now, let's translate the above Korean summary into English, keeping in mind the language proficiency level of an American professional in the workplace.


2. Probable Conversation Sentences(오늘의 날씨 예보)

"Looks like we're in for quite the downpour tonight, complete with thunder and lightning. Better get the umbrellas ready!"
"오늘 밤에는 천둥과 번개를 동반한 상당한 비가 올 것 같네요. 우산 준비해야겠어요!"
"I heard Seoul's getting rain until this evening. You might want to leave the office early today."
"서울은 오늘 저녁까지 비가 온다고 들었어요. 오늘은 좀 일찍 퇴근하실 수도 있겠네요."
"Have you seen the weather forecast? It's going to be chilly tomorrow after the rain stops."
"날씨 예보 보셨나요? 비가 그치고 나면 내일이 꽤 쌀쌀할 거예요."
"Jeju's expecting a lot of rain, up to 50mm. My weekend trip might have to be postponed."
"제주에는 50mm까지 많은 비가 올 것으로 예상돼요. 주말 여행을 미뤄야 할 수도 있겠네요."
"The temperature's dropping significantly by morning; make sure you layer up!"
"아침 기온이 많이 떨어질 예정이니, 옷을 따뜻하게 입으세요!"
"Considering the rough seas, it's best not to plan any fishing trips this weekend."
"바다가 거칠 예정이니, 이번 주말에 낚시 여행은 계획하지 않는 게 좋겠어요."
"The weather's been so unpredictable lately; I can't keep up with the changes."
"요즘 날씨가 너무 변덕스러워서 변화를 따라잡기가 힘들어요."
"Keep an eye on the wave heights if you plan to take the ferry."
"여객선을 타실 계획이라면 파고 높이를 주시하세요."
"Let's reschedule our meeting. The forecast says it'll be pouring by afternoon."
"미팅을 다시 잡읍시다. 예보에 따르면 오후에 비가 쏟아질 거래요."
"Make sure to check the heating system; it will feel colder after the rain."
"난방 시스템 점검해 보세요; 비 온 뒤에 더 춥게 느껴질 거예요."


3. Important Phrases(오늘의 날씨 예보)

"Better get the umbrellas ready." - Preparing for expected rain is advised.

"우산 준비해야겠어요." - 예상되는 비를 대비하여 준비하는 것이 좋습니다.
"You might want to leave early" - A suggestion to avoid weather-related issues.

"일찍 출발하는 게 좋을 것 같아요" - 날씨 관련 문제를 피하기 위한 제안입니다.
"It's going to be chilly" - A warning about expected cold weather.

"추울 테니까요" - 예상되는 추운 날씨에 대한 경고입니다.
"My trip might have to be postponed" - Considering changing plans due to weather.

"여행을 미뤄야 할 수도 있겠어요" - 날씨 때문에 계획을 변경하는 것을 고려 중입니다.

"Keep an eye on the wave heights" - A caution for those traveling by sea.

"파고 높이를 주시하세요" - 바다로 여행하는 사람들에 대한 주의를 당부합니다.


4. Vocabulary(오늘의 날씨 예보)

English Word Pronunciation Korean Meaning Example Sentence Korean Translation of the Example
Downpour /ˈdaʊnˌpɔːr/ 폭우 The sudden downpour caught everyone off guard. 갑작스러운 폭우에 모든 사람들이 당황했다.
Inclement /ɪnˈklɛmənt/ 날씨가 나쁜 Despite the inclement weather, we continued our hike. 날씨가 나쁨에도 불구하고 우리는 하이킹을 계속했다.
Chilly /ˈtʃɪli/ 쌀쌀한 It's getting chilly outside as winter approaches. 겨울이 다가오면서 밖이 쌀쌀해지고 있다.
Unsettled /ʌnˈsɛtld/ 불안정한 The forecast predicts unsettled weather for the next few days. 예보에 따르면 앞으로 며칠 동안 날씨가 불안정할 것으로 예측된다.
Layer up /ˈleɪər ʌp/ 옷을 겹쳐 입다 With the temperature dropping, it's time to layer up. 기온이 떨어지니 옷을 겹쳐 입을 시간이다.


5. Conclusion(오늘의 날씨 예보)

Expect complex weather patterns across South Korea today. Rain will persist in Seoul until the evening, with thunderstorms possible in the capital and western Gangwon. Take care and stay warm as temperatures drop sharply after the rains.
