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추석: 가족과 함께하는 한국의 중요한 명절

by MoneyWalker 2023. 9. 28.

AI 페인터가  한국의 명절을 묘사해 달라고 하니  중국풍의 그림을 그려주내요.  문화적으로 얼마나 많이 아시아는 중국이다라고  데이터베이스에  저장되어 있는지 알만합니다. 한국이라는 국가 브렌드 홍보가 많이 부족합니다.


"알렉스가 딸 아란이에게 추석에 대해서 설명하는 중이다.

"아란아, 지금 아빠가 너에게 추석에 대해 이야기해 줄게. 추석은 한국의 가장 중요한 명절 중 하나야. 이날은 가족들이 모여서 함께 시간을 보내고, 조상을 기리는 날이야. 음력 8월 15일에 열리는데, 가을 중간쯤이야. 아침에는 차례라는 조상 제사 행사를 하는데, 가족들이 모여 한 테이블에 음식을 차려 놓고, 조상의 정신을 기리며 감사의 말을 전해. 그리고 송편이라는 작은 반달 모양의 떡도 만들어. 찹쌀가루로 만들고, 보통 팥이나 참깨, 호두와 같은 다양한 재료로 채워져. 여성들이 손을 잡고 원을 이루며 춤추는 강강술래도 있는데, 추석에 특히 인기가 있어. 그리고 많은 사람들이 한복을 입고 이날을 맞이해. 추석은 가족과 함께하는 시간을 강조하는 명절이야."


Aran, Daddy is going to tell you about Chuseok now. Chuseok is one of the most important holidays in Korea. On this day, families gather to spend time and honor their ancestors. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar, around the middle of autumn. In the morning, a ritual called Charye is held, where families set food on a table and express their gratitude and respect to their ancestors’ spirits. Also, a small half-moon shaped rice cake called Songpyeon is made. It is made from glutinous rice flour and filled with various ingredients like red beans, sesame seeds, and walnuts. There is also a dance called Ganggangsullae, where women hold hands and dance in a circle, which is especially popular during Chuseok. Many people wear Hanbok, a traditional Korean dress, to celebrate the day. Chuseok emphasizes spending time with family.


Probable conversation sentences

English: "Aran, do you know what Chuseok is?"
Korean: "아란아, 추석이 뭔지 알아?"

English: "Chuseok is one of the most important holidays in Korea."
Korean: "추석은 한국의 가장 중요한 명절 중 하나야."

English: "Families gather together and honor their ancestors."
Korean: "가족들이 모여서 함께 시간을 보내고, 조상을 기리지."

English: "Chuseok is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar."
Korean: "추석은 음력 8월 15일에 열려."

English: "In the morning, there is a ritual called Charye."
Korean: "아침에는 차례라는 조상 제사 행사를 해."

English: "People make a half-moon shaped rice cake called Songpyeon."
Korean: "사람들은 송편이라는 반달 모양의 떡을 만들어."

English: "Songpyeon is made with glutinous rice and filled with various ingredients."
Korean: "송편은 찹쌀가루로 만들고, 다양한 재료로 채워져."

English: "There is also a dance called Ganggangsullae."
Korean: "강강술래라는 춤도 있어."

English: "Many people wear the traditional dress, Hanbok, during Chuseok."
Korean: "많은 사람들이 추석 때 한복을 입어."

English: "Chuseok emphasizes spending time with family."
Korean: "추석은 가족과 함께하는 시간을 강조해."

Important phrases

Do you know what Chuseok is? (추석이 뭔지 알아?)
One of the most important holidays (가장 중요한 명절 중 하나)
Gather together and honor their ancestors (가족들이 모여서 조상을 기리다)
Half-moon shaped rice cake called Songpyeon (반달 모양의 떡인 송편)
Wear the traditional dress, Hanbok (전통적인 한복을 입다)


영어단어 발음기호 한국어 뜻 예문 한국어 번역 예문
Ancestor 'ænsɛstər 조상 Families gather to honor their ancestors. 가족들이 모여 조상을 기리다.
Ritual 'rɪtjuəl 의식, 행사 Charye is a ritual performed in the morning. 차례는 아침에 이루어지는 행사다.
Glutinous rice 'gluːtɪnəs raɪs 찹쌀 Songpyeon is made with glutinous rice. 송편은 찹쌀로 만들어진다.
Various ingredients 'vɛəriəs ɪn'gridiənts 다양한 재료 Songpyeon is filled with various ingredients. 송편은 다양한 재료로 채워져 있다.
Emphasize 'ɛmfəˌsaɪz 강조하다 Chuseok emphasizes spending time with family. 추석은 가족과 함께하는 시간을 강조한다.

